Looking to Purchase U.S. Soybeans?

If you're looking to purchase high quality U.S. soybeans, please use the resources below.

Purchase U.S. Soybeans Internationally

Are you wanting to purchase soybeans from the U.S. but live in a different country? We recommend reaching out to the U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC).

USSEC focuses on differentiating, elevating preference, and attaining market access for the use of U.S. Soy for human consumption, aquaculture, and livestock feed in 80+ countries internationally. Their members represent the soy supply chain including U.S. Soy farmers, processors, commodity shippers, merchandisers, allied agribusinesses, and agricultural organizations

Connect with USSEC

Purchase U.S. Soybeans Domestically

Are you located in the U.S. and want to purchase soybeans to be used domestically? We recommend finding a processor from the Soybean Meal INFO Center website.

View a list of soybean processors across the U.S. so that you can easily identify one near you. They also provide technical animal nutrition information on soybean meal to the feed manufacturer, professional nutritionist, feed formulator, livestock and poultry producer, and general public. 

View List of Processors