ISA Advocate Membership
Your paid Advocate Membership empowers ISA to positively influence policy and regulatory matters impacting the U.S. soybean industry. We leverage your non-checkoff investment with additional partnerships to engage at the state and federal level to enhance the competitiveness of your farm.
Farmer Membership
By law, no checkoff dollars can be used to fund legislative activities. Your Advocate Membership empowers ISA to positively influence policy and regulatory matters impacting your farm.

Non-Farmer Membership
Your Advocate Membership affirms your commitment to soybean farmers and empowers ISA to positively influence policy and regulatory matters impacting the soybean industry.

Member Benefits
Access to national affiliations
These non-checkoff resources also support ISA’s commitment to invest and be involved with the American Soybean Association (ASA) , the soybean industry’s national policy arm. When you sign up to be an ISA Advocate Member, you gain access to these resources and information.
ASA represents U.S. soybean farmers on domestic and international policy issues important to the soybean industry. ASA has 26 affiliated state associations representing 30 soybean-producing states and more than 300,000 soybean farmers.
Policy insights delivered to your inbox.
Exclusively for Advocate members, we provide a digital newsletter that details the latest policy movements and issues you should have on your radar. We also alert you about issues that you can take action on immediately.
Are you an Advocate Member who is not receiving this newsletter? Let us know.
Input on ISA's policy development.
ISA’s policy is developed by and for the membership. Learn more about our policies and the work we are doing on your behalf.
Delegates from each of Iowa’s nine crop districts meet to change or approve ISA’s Policy Resolutions Document each year. The document serves as an advocacy roadmap for soybean farmers and staff. Guiding principles are affirmed pertaining to conservation, trade, biofuels, biotechnology and a host of other soybean-related issues. You can request the document from Matt Herman, ISA chief officer of demand and advocacy.