ISA Farmer Membership

For farmers who certify they market 250 bushels of soybeans annually, ISA's Farmer Membership is available at no additional cost. Join our 15,000 ISA members (and counting!) in activating or confirming your Farmer Membership. 

Why Become A Member?

  • Receive timely information and know-how including the Iowa Soybean Review® magazine, weekly newsletter and more.

  • Engage in research trials and conservation programming with ISA’s Research Center for Farming Innovation. Access research results, analytics tools and past reports on an expansive database.

  • Participate in producer programs and events that foster industry knowledge, strengthen leadership skills and more.

  • Frequent updates on ISA’s efforts to develop new markets, expand biofuels and create new uses for soybeans.

  • Real-time opportunities to offer feedback and suggestions to ISA’s volunteer board of farmer-directors as they determine the organization’s priorities and oversee checkoff-funded activities.

Become a Member Today