ISA Farmer Membership

For farmers who certify they market 250 bushels of soybeans annually, ISA's Farmer Membership is available at no additional costJoin our 15,000 ISA members (and counting!) in activating or confirming your Farmer Membership.

Why Become A Member?

Becoming an ISA member gives you greater and faster access to important and timely soybean information.

Members are plugged into ISA, receiving real-time opportunities to offer feedback and suggestions to the volunteer farmer directors of the ISA board. This is helpful as they make decisions on what gets funded and what becomes or remains a priority for the organization.

Activate or confirm your membership today! 

Summer Membership Drive

Heat up the summer with an ISA Farmer Membership. Activate or Confirm your farmer membership today at no additional cost and be entered to win one of 76 branded prizes! The Membership Drive starts June 1 and ends August 31.

Giveaway Terms and Conditions

Personal Information
Certify Your Producer Status

I certify that I market a minimum of 250 bushels of soybeans per year.

Birth Date

Member Benefits
By becoming a member, you'll automatically receive ISA member newsletters and opportunities at no cost!