Mikaela Connelly

Research Agronomist

Mikaela is a Research Agronomist covering districts 7 & 8 (Southwestern and South-Central Iowa).

She is involved with the implementation of research trials as well as data collection and analysis of the replicated strip trials ISA conducts with farmers. As a Research Agronomist, she also helps communicate results from the research trials through one-on-one meetings with growers, field day events and research conferences.

Mikaela grew up in Winterset, IA and earned her B.S. in Agronomy from Southwest Minnesota State University. Following graduation from SMSU, she traveled to Kansas State University to earn her M.S. in Agronomy where she investigated crop rotations and tillage intensities and their influence on soil health parameters. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with family and friends and is an avid outdoorsman.