River cutting through trees in Iowa

(Photo: Iowa Soybean Association)

Farmer Opportunities for Water Quality in the North Raccoon Watershed

Date & Time: August 2, 2023 | 1:00 pm - Programming, 3:00 pm - Open House

Location: Santa Maria Vineyard & Winery, 218 W. 6th Street, Carroll, IA 51401

Farmers and landowners within the North Raccoon River watershed are invited to a Farm To River event on Wednesday, August 2 in Carroll, Iowa to learn more about conservation practices, benefits and opportunities.

Key takeaways

  • Hear from local farmers and their experiences with edge-of-field practices and drainage water recycling.
  • Learn new approaches for edge-of-field practice involvement and the benefits to you and your farm.
  • Advancing the Farm to River project and North Raccoon Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) opportunities.
  • Learn about the technical and financial assistance to farmers and the team you’ll be working with!



1:00 – 1:10 pm

  • Welcome & Introduction to Farm to River Project Innovations & Opportunities
    • Joe Wuebker, CCA, ISA Conservation Agronomist

1:10 – 1:15 pm

  • Farmer Experience with Practice Implementation
    • Don Meyer, Farmer in Carroll & Calhoun Counties

1:15 – 1:25 pm

  • New Approaches for Farmer Enrollment
    • Joe Wuebker, CCA, ISA Conservation Agronomist

1:25 – 1:40 pm

  • The Farm to River Story & Water Quality Discussion
    • Joe Wuebker, CCA, ISA Conservation Agronomist
    • Anthony Seeman, ISA Water Lab Service Manager

1:40 – 1:50 pm

  • North Raccoon Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) Update
    • Ben Porepp, ISA Conservation Agronomist

1:50 – 2:10 pm

  • Drainage Water Management Project
    • Chris Hay, Ph.D., ISA, Conservation Design Specialist
    • Spencer Pech, PE, ISG Graduate Engineer

2:10 – 2:15 pm

  • Break

2:15 – 2:25 pm

  • Farm to River: Drainage Water Recycling Project – Farmer Narrative
    • Mark Schleisman, Farmer in Calhoun County

2:25 – 2:40 pm

  • ISA Agronomy Tips & Tricks for Success
    • Scott Nelson, ISA Research Agronomist

2:40 – 2:50 pm

  • Next Steps for Innovating Farm to River Opportunities for Farmers
    • Joe Wuebker, CCA, ISA Conservation Agronomist

2:50 – 3:00 pm

  • Q & A Forum with Speakers

3:00 – 5:00 pm

  • Opportunities Open House and Exhibits
  • This is a chance for growers and landowners to talk one-on-one with project coordinators, ask questions specific to your landscaping structure and needs, and sign-up for opportunities available to you. Enjoy appetizers and drinks as you visit and learn about the opportunities specific to the North Raccoon River Watershed.

Complete the event registration below

Please complete the brief registration by July 26, 2023. For questions, contact Joe Wuebker, conservation agronomist, at 712-790-1415 or jwuebker@iasoybeans.com.
