(Photo: Iowa Soybean Association / Joclyn Bushman)
Northeast Iowa: Innovation to Profit
Date & Time:
February 18, 2025 | 9:45 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Ridge Stone Golf Club, 7 Brickyard Rd. Sheffield, IA 50475
Join the Iowa Soybean Association’s Research Center for Farming Innovation to discuss project outcomes in your area and how they impact farmer profitability.
Gain insight into area-specific research trial results, conservation benefits and cost-share opportunities.
Agenda |
9:45 a.m. - Registration
10:15 a.m. - Welcome
10:25 a.m. - Do Inputs Increase Profits?
Shane Beck, ISA research agronomist
Alex Schaffer, ISA sr. research agronomist
Not all input costs result in meaningful returns. In review of the 2024 season, we explore on-farm research trials highlighting optional inputs and their effective return on investment with additional focus on the specific growing conditions believed to have led to these results.
11:40 a.m. - Lunch
12:30 p.m. - Financial Opportunities in Conservation
Evan Brehm, ISA conservation agronomist
Cover crops are pushing 4 million acres in Iowa as of 2024. Financial programs have assisted in offsetting costs and it can be confusing on what programs are stackable. This session will present various cost share opportunities for farmers to adopt cover crops and other soil health practices.
1:00 p.m. - Benefits of Edge-of-Field Practices to Farmers
Brandon Iddings, ISA sr. conservation services manager
Managing the edge of your field can provide many benefits to your farm without sacrificing tillable land. The different edge of field practices, their value, and new opportunities in your area will be discussed along with potential funding and technical assistance options to implement these practices.
1:30 p.m. - Farmer Panel
Hear from the farmers who have implemented the practices discussed throughout today’s program. This will be a question-and-answer forum in which attendees can ask questions to the panel.
2:30 p.m. - Adjourn
Ridge Stone Golf Club
7 Brickyard Rd. Sheffield, IA 50475
CCA Credits Available
Looking to continue your education and expand your knowledge? There are 2.0 hours of Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) credits available for attending this event.
Register Today
For additional information or questions, contact Julia Brenizer at jbrenizer@iasoybeans.com.