Producers are asked to participate in the Annual Soybean Quality Survey. By sending in a two-pound sample of soybeans, Iowa producers can help promote their commodity to international customers. (Photo: Iowa Soybean Association)
Improve demand for U.S. soy without leaving home
August 24, 2023 | Kriss Nelson
Besides raising a large and high-quality soybean crop, producers are being asked to help promote their soybeans to trading partners by participating in the Annual Soybean Quality Survey.
The United Soybean Board, American Soybean Association and The U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC) have funded the Annual Soybean Quality Survey since 1986. The survey relies on U.S. soybean farmers to send in samples of soybeans that USSEC will use results to conduct its International Marketing programs on behalf of the soybean checkoff.
“The survey analyzes the quality of U.S. soybeans, including protein and oil content,” says Iowa Soybean Association (ISA) Director of Research Joe McClure.
With this information, USSEC can highlight the quality of the U.S. soybean crop.
“They are showing our international customers what they can expect when they buy U.S. soybeans,” says McClure.
Taking part in the survey
To help promote the soybeans you grow is easy.
Participants are asked to provide a two-pound sample of soybeans in a provided bag, preferably from a variety grown on the largest number of acres on your farm. Information required is your town, the company and variety name and if it is a specialty variety.

The sample is mailed in a pre-postage-paid envelope.
Test results will be provided back to the farmer in mid-December and the completed report will be released in January.
All individual farmer test results obtained through the Annual Soybean Quality Survey will be kept confidential.
To take part in the Annual Soybean Quality Survey, contact McClure at or call 515-334-1014.