(Photo: Iowa Soybean Association / Joclyn Bushman)
Make your voice heard on farm policy issues
February 8, 2024 | Jeff Hutton
Policy and regulatory issues have a direct impact on Iowa’s soybean farmers. Issues related to conservation, trade practices, biofuels and so much more are critical to producers if they are going to be successful.
Now, more than ever, the Iowa Soybean Association (ISA) needs to hear from farmers and interested parties on how ISA can effectively advocate on behalf of all soybean producers.
“It’s important to ISA that farmers' voices are heard when it comes to policy that impacts their farm,” says ISA Producer Services Coordinator Julia Brenizer. “Our Advocate Memberships allow ISA to propose legislation that strengthens markets, creates resources and opens new opportunities at the state and national levels. Your support as an Advocate Member gives all Iowa soybean farmers a seat at the table.”
Indeed, your paid Advocate Membership empowers ISA to influence policy and regulatory matters, impacting the American soybean industry positively. ISA can leverage non-checkoff investment dollars with additional partnerships to engage at the state and federal level to enhance the competitiveness of your farm.
Grill & Chill giveaway
Now through March 15, you can become an Advocate Member or renew your current membership with an opportunity to be entered into a giveaway to win either a 28" Blackstone grill with Hood Bundle or one of three ISA-branded RTIC coolers.

Member benefits
These non-checkoff resources support ISA’s commitment to investing and involvement with the American Soybean Association (ASA), the soybean industry’s national policy arm. You gain access to these resources and information when you sign up to be an ISA Advocate Member.
ASA represents U.S. soybean farmers on domestic and international policy issues important to the soybean industry. ASA has 26 affiliated state associations representing 30 soybean-producing states and more than 300,000 soybean farmers.
Policy insights
Exclusively for Advocate members, ISA provides a digital newsletter that details the latest policy movements and issues you should have on your radar. We also alert you about issues that you can act on immediately. ISA’s policy is developed by and for the membership.
Delegates from Iowa’s nine crop districts meet yearly to change or approve ISA’s Policy Resolutions Document. The document serves as an advocacy roadmap for soybean farmers and staff. Guiding principles pertaining to conservation, trade, biofuels, biotechnology and a host of other soybean-related issues are affirmed. You can request the document from ISA Chief Officer of Demand and Advocacy Matt Herman.
"The support of advocate members are crucial to ensure the voice of Iowa soybean farmers is heard by policymakers from Des Moines to D.C." says Herman, "Your membership allows us to advance your interest in ways which checkoff dollars don't allow for. From building markets to biofuels to ensure crop protection products can stay on the shelf, advocate membership ensures that soybean farmers continue to have access to the best available markets and the tools."
For more information and relevant details about membership (both farmer and non-farmer), go to www.iasoybeans.com/membership/advocate