(Photo: Iowa Soybean Association / Joclyn Bushman)
Member spotlight: Kevin Glanz, Manchester
July 6, 2023
Q&A with Kevin Glanz, Manchester
What got you involved in ISA?
I’m kind of one of those guys that if I’m going to produce a commodity, I have a responsibility to promote that commodity.
I wanted to keep up with what was going on in the soybean industry. It’s like a spider web. You’re in the middle, and everything goes out. Promoting my product is why I got involved. It was my social outing when I had things to go to, and I could also learn what was going on, what people were saying, and how we could deal with issues.
What ultimately got me involved is, I am a farmer; I produce soybeans, and I feel I should do my part in promoting the use of those soybeans.
What programs or events have you participated in?
I’m a District Advisory Council (DAC) member, so I’ve attended many DAC meetings. I went to the Iowa Soybean Association (ISA)-Cargill Roundtable in March.

What have you gained from going to DAC events or other ISA events?
The ISA-Cargill Roundtable was interesting. They talked about carbon programs and things like that. Talking to other growers around the state and networking with those doing the same things you are is great.
I started farming no-till and raising cover crops nearly 15 years ago. It was interesting to hear what other farmers are doing along those lines with conservation, tillage, saving moisture, etc. I always went to see what I could pick up to help me along that route. That’s what I enjoy about the meetings. The DAC meetings would always have speakers come in, and I enjoyed the education part. I’m always wanting to hear more about what I can do better.
How has your farm benefited from ISA membership?
I think ISA is doing a great job of promotion. Sometimes I feel like everyone’s hands are tied. There’s only so much you can do. Sometimes it seems like ISA is speaking to the choir or keeps beating the same drum, but I think that’s needed with the checkoff. I always felt that the checkoff was important. If you’re going to raise whatever it is – pork, beef, corn, or beans – you better contribute to something much bigger than you are. The people in Washington, D.C., are so out of touch. It’s nice to keep my finger on the pulse of agriculture. It’s much bigger than what Delaware County or Iowa alone can handle.

Why is it important for young people to get involved in ISA?
The younger generation realizes the information that can be obtained by being a part of something. I don’t think you can promote what the organization does enough. The younger generation is a little more receptive, I think.
Why would you say to encourage other farmers to become ISA members?
If you raise beans, then you need to be a member. Period. It doesn’t need to go farther than that. Being a member, you are helping the industry navigate what direction it’s going in. If you raise corn, beans, and cattle, you must be part of the organizations promoting that product. People complain about everyone’s not doing something right; get in and change if you don’t like what’s going on. Not that I thought anything needed to be changed; I just wanted to keep up with it.