(Photo: Iowa Soybean Association / Joclyn Bushman)
Successful partnerships reduce nitrate leaching near the Cedar River
March 19, 2025
As the top agriculture processor and second largest city in Iowa, Cedar Rapids is investing resources in ensuring the Cedar River remains a quality water source for residents, local farmers and industry.
Learn how farmers utilize bioreactors and saturated buffers in partnership with the city to reduce nitrate leaching and maintain water quality. Generational farmer Alan Horak joins ISA Conservation Agronomist Evan Brehm and City of Cedar Rapids Watersheds & Source Water Program Manager Mary Beth Stevenson to discuss how public-private partnerships are helping simplify the process and removing the financial burden of these practices through batch and build projects.
Want to learn more about batch and build projects or additional partnership opportunities? Contact Evan Brehm at 319-310-5468 or ebrehm@iasoybeans.com. For similar projects in other areas of the state, contact your regional conservation agronomist.
The Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network presents Pods of Potential with host Andy Petersen. Powered by the Iowa Soybean Association and the soybean checkoff, Pods of Potential delivers data-driven research and results to help Iowa's soybean farmers maximize productivity, profitability, and sustainability.