May 2024
April 30, 2024
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In this issue...
On the Cover
In this 'See for Yourself' themed issue, explore the markets through various travel experiences, dive into the data from recent fungicide trials and see how on-farm trials can help determine the effectiveness of products on your acres.
Plan or wander
Iowa Soybean Association is preparing to implement a new strategic plan that will direct the work of the association.
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Rural Route 2: Time for bingo
Farming and bingo have a lot of similarities, especially when it comes to the unknowns that can make or break your game.
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Increasing U.S. Soy sales tied to branding success of Mexican beef company
A growing desire for high-quality beef in Mexico increases demand for U.S. soy products among Mexican beef producers.
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Mexico brings soy to shrimp
An Iowa farmer-leader visits Mexico to expand market opportunities and explore the county's growing soybean demand.
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Seeing the power of U.S. soybeans in Central and South America
Iowa farmers explore how the soybean checkoff plays a role in creating and maintaining markets in Panama and Colombia.
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Protecting crop yields and profitability
ISA's RCFI conducts research trials to understand fungicides' effects on final yields and return on investment.
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Are biologicals the future of farming?
Research centered around nutrient uptake seeks to understand how biologicals can be used in the field to improve yields.
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Warm winter implications for the growing season
Farmers are encouraged to scout their fields early for insects, weeds, and diseases to decrease damage to their crops.
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