Request for Research Proposals
Each year the Iowa Soybean Association (ISA) seeks soybean research proposals for funding. The ISA Board will fund research projects that address their goals to increase soybean farmer competitiveness, especially through increased productivity and profitability while improving sustainability.
ISA will fund both applied and basic research, as well as Extension & Outreach, that will provide short- and long-term practical benefits to Iowa’s soybean farmers.
Key Areas of Research |
Projects should logically fit into one of these broad areas:
- Soybean germplasm discovery and improvement, especially focused on yield, seed quality and yield preservation. e.g. (Soybean breeding to increase genetic yield potential and the introgression of defensive traits.
- Soybean disease, nematode, insect pest and abiotic stress biology, management, and yield loss mitigation.
- Weed management within the soybean cropping system.
- Soybean production with improved nutrient management and water quality.
- Post-harvest seed handling to maintain or improve quality of seed.
- Soybean cropping system production practices, agronomics and management to enhance productivity, profitability and sustainability including digital agriculture, new technologies and modeling for research, production and economic impact.
Important Dates
Upcoming fiscal year (FY26) timeline. Current fiscal year (FY25) closed.
March 10, 2025 |
Request for proposal distributed |
May 12, 2025 |
Proposals due to ISA by 11:59 p.m. |
July 2, 2025 |
ISA Board review and funding decisions |
Oct. 1, 2025 - Sept. 30, 2026 |
FY26 funding cycle |
Ensure you have the files below saved to your computer before editing.
Request Letter
Allowed/Not Allowed Funding
Cover Sheet and Budget Summary Spreadsheet
Proposal Template
How To Structure The Proposal |
Research proposals are expected to be concise (approx. 5 pages in total length, excluding budget pages) and contain the following (see attached):
- Cover sheet (provided): proposal overview and budget
- Contact information: Name, address phone number, and email address of principal investigator and collaborators
- Project title
- Farmer benefit: Explain how this research will directly benefit a soybean farmer and/or the soybean industry (200 words or less).
- Brief project justification and rationale: Identified research need, brief review of similar academic and industry research and how proposed research is necessary, novel and will benefit farmers and the soybean industry.
- Brief description of proposed research: Research and communications to be done, purpose, expected outcomes, contribution to project goals, clear statement of communication and outreach strategies.
- Other funding: Proposed research may complement and extend but must not duplicate already funded research. Where applicable, a concise listing of related research and funding sources for the PI and collaborators, and a brief description of how this check-off funded research will be used to attract or complement additional funding support (public and private: e.g. USB, QSSB, USDA, company) to extend knowledge or expand research breadth and depth, especially in cases where basic research funding is requested.
- Clear and concise set of project metrics, economic impact on soybean farmers, and performance measures, milestones and deliverables, including:
- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) or performance metrics and how those will be measured
- An analysis and/or description of program/project economic impact, significance to soybean farmers and return on the soybean checkoff investment.
- Timelines and milestones for deliverables that will extend the state-of-the-art of basic and farmer-focused applied research.
- Communication plan to include farmer-focused publications, field days and similar, as well as updates to the National Soybean Checkoff Research Database.
Clear description of a cost-efficient budget, sub-budgeted to projects within programs. A budget for years 2 and 3 is requested for multi-year concept projects.
NEW - Provide a 3-minute or less video for the ISA Farmer Board of Directors:
- Summarize your research:
- What impact does it have to serve an Iowa farmer?
- Explain how it helps an Iowa farmer be more productive, profitable and/or sustainable in their operation.
- Share what impact your research will have on the future of an Iowa farmer and/or the soybean industry.
- Video footage provided must be taken at a resolution of 1080p at 30 fps (typical for most cell phones). If you use a phone camera, please shoot footage horizontally/landscape and place the subject clearly in the center of the video.
It is critically important for researchers to identify how the deliverables will positively and tangibly impact Iowa soybean growers in the short- or long-term, and how deliverables will be communicated to growers and to the ISA. Budgets should include funding for publishing and broadly communicating results, and convening meetings if planned. Researchers should reference first year deliverables when justifying multi-year projects and requests for project renewals, as continued funding will be determined by the demonstration of real, meaningful and applicable first-year or second-year results. Researchers are strongly encouraged to demonstrate interdisciplinary approaches and collaborations or synergies with other institutions and/or with ISA Research teams when/if appropriate.
Allowed/Non-Allowed Funding |
Statement of allowed and non-allowed contract funding items and categories for soybean check-off compliance purposes.
MS and PhD graduate student tuition when the student is working on a funded soybean project and there is a documented (i.e. requires a statement that the tuition is for a soybean-specific field of study (e.g. to be included in semi-annual and final progress reports for documentation purposes), direct correlation of his/her coursework program and research work to soybeans. This must be stated / documented in the research project proposal and tuition must be paid back if the student does not complete his/her program on the soybean project.
Postdoctoral research personnel salaries and benefits if working on the soybean project being funded and not the principal investigator (PI)
Non-tenure-track research professor salaries and benefits if working on the soybean project being funded and not the principal investigator (PI)
Technical staff (lab and field technicians) salaries and benefits. Only the portions that correlate to the work that they are doing for the soybean project being funded
Project-specific materials, supplies and small expendable/disposable equipment (usually less than $3,000). Disposable equipment must be defined in the project proposal
Sub-contracts with collaborators, but subject to the same allowable and non-allowable funding categories and criteria as primary PI and team
Space and facility rental (lab and field) for the funded project
Domestic travel specific to the funded project
Project-specific publications and communications – including print and electronic
Meetings, registrations, accommodations, meals for funded project-related business
Field days and communication and outreach activities related to the funded project
Project-specific research team travel and meetings at a central location, including facility rental, food, AV equipment
Large/capital/durable/depreciable equipment (usually, but not necessarily >$3,000)
International travel
Indirect costs and Overhead of any type or amount