(Photo: Iowa Soybean Association / Joclyn Bushman)
Roundtable discussion to be held in Sioux City
February 19, 2025 | Jeff Hutton
What are the hot topics impacting the soybean industry and farmers today? What does the future hold?
The Iowa Soybean Association (ISA) and Cargill are partnering together for the fourth annual ISA-Cargill Farmer Roundtable from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. March 13 in Sioux City.
Throughout the day, industry experts from ISA, Cargill, AGI, and the Soy Transportation Coalition will share insights into the different challenges and opportunities that exist within the soybean industry. The ISA-Cargill Farmer Roundtable will provide farmers with the opportunity to hear from industry experts on a variety of issues and ask questions.
To register for this event click here or through the button below.
Register Here
The deadline to register is Thursday, Feb. 27.
Event highlights
The event kicks off that day at the Stoney Creek Hotel, 300 3rd St., in Sioux beginning at 8:30 a.m. with registration and refreshments.
According to ISA Producer Services Coordinator Paige Whitney, beginning at 9 a.m., the presentation “State of Soy: Pricing, Quality, Uses and Markets” will get under way. ISA President Brent Swart, joined by Laura Hatcher, Cargill U.S. biodiesel commercial lender, will kick off the discussion with updates on the soybean industry.
Then at 9:45 a.m., Matt Herman, ISA chief officer of demand and advocacy, and Pat Woerner, Cargill U.S. biodiesel commercial leader, will talk about “Navigating the Current Biofuels Landscape: What You Need to Know.” Whitney says participants will learn more about the current condition of biofuel markets, specifically focusing on the issues surrounding used cooking oil in biofuels and soybean oil as a fuel source.
Following a break, the event continues at 10:45 a.m. with Ryan Thompson, AGI strategic account manager, who will discuss “Grain Storage for Greater Returns.” Whitney says Thompson will share with audience members how grain storage could impact their farms and improve their bottom lines by giving farmers the flexibility to sell grain when prices are preferable. He also will dive into storage options and grin bin technology that could improve the quality of one’s crop.
A lunch, sponsored by AGI, will follow at 11:45 a.m.
Then at 12:15 p.m., Mike Steenhoek with the Soy Transportation Coalition will round out the day with his presentation on “Farmers Connecting Supply with Demand” - a breakdown of the transportation challenges impacting the soybean industry, specifically port issues.
Adjournment is slated for 1 p.m.
For more information or questions, contact Paige Whitney at (712) 371-9901 or pwhitney@iasoybeans.com.