ISA President Jeff Jorgenson standing in soybean field

Iowa Soybean Association President Jeff Jorgenson called on the Biden Administration this week to uphold the Renewable Fuel Standard and invited the new president to his farm this summer to learn more about issues important to Iowa's 38,000 soybean farmers. (Photo: Joseph L. Murphy/Iowa Soybean Association)

ISA Calls on Biden Administration to Uphold RFS, Open Markets for U.S. Soy

January 20, 2021

Statement on behalf of Iowa Soybean Association President Jeff Jorgenson of Sidney, Iowa 

“The Biden Administration takes the reins of federal farm and food policy today. There is considerable work to do, from advancing renewable fuels production here at home to strengthening trade relations with key customers abroad.

“Iowa soybean farmers look forward to implementing a pro-agriculture agenda that increases demand for protein and renewable fuels. We will also work diligently to ensure farmers and stakeholders – those most impacted – are directly involved in policy and rule-making discussions.

“We urge the White House to administer the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) according to the letter of the law, protecting the livelihoods of farmers, producers and rural communities. It can start immediately by calling on the Environmental Protection Agency to deny dozens of pending exemptions and reallocate gallons lost to the recent litany of Small Refinery Exemptions.

“The time to act on biofuels is long overdue. Exemptions granted over the past two years have impacted 260 million gallons of biofuels. That includes 35.7 million gallons of biodiesel and renewable diesel. The overall demand destruction for the biodiesel and renewable diesel industries from small refinery exemptions since 2015 is now 578 million gallons. 

“I extend a cordial invitation to President Biden to visit Iowa in August. It is designated annually as Soybean Month in Iowa. It would be an honor to host the President for a conversation on soy-centric issues and to meet the dedicated farmers who provide high-quality food, fiber, feed and fuel.”  

The Iowa Soybean Association ( is “Driven To Deliver” increased soybean demand through market development and new uses, farmer-focused research and results, timely information and know-how and policy initiatives enabling farmers and the industry to flourish. Founded in 1964 by farmers to serve farmers, ISA is governed by a board of 22 farmers to advocate on behalf of the state’s 37,000 soybean producers, including more than 15,000 ISA farmer members and industry stakeholders.
